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Pinoy Websites

A webring of Filipino people with websites.

Your website can be about anything. It can be your online portfolio, or be about design, development, architecture, medicine, cross-stitching, knitting, puzzles, travelling—anything (but only safe for work)!

Members (11 members)

Francis Rubio

Web developer, designer, and educator from the Philippines

Francis Rubio

Daryl Sun's Journal

An online diary of a lady’s misadventures in two worlds

Daryl Sun's Journal


Documenting things learned. Sharing some thoughts.

Ted Magaoay


🦑 WARNING: site content may be marked for containing blood, violence, or horror imagery



personal website playground fun zone!

Biyori Cafe

Write an awesome description for your new site here. You can edit this line in _config.yml. It will appear in your document head meta (for Google search results) and in your feed.xml site description.

Your awesome title

Jared Dantis

Manila-based CS undergraduate and web designer.

Kidlat News

Kidlat News is a low-bandwidth, text-only news satire website, with a focus on Philippine news and current events.

What's this?

A community of sites around a common topic, also known as a webring. Each member includes a badge on their site that links to the previous and next sites in the ring. Kids in the 90s used to love it!

Max Boeck

Who can join

You can join the webring if…

If you satisfy these conditions, you're mostly good to join. However, we reserve the right to deny your request to join if we see that your entry is unacceptable.

How to join

Devs, look here!

Go to the Pinoy Bloggers Github repository and open a pull request. Follow these instructions:

  1. Fork the repository and clone your fork to your local machine.
  2. In the file src/data/members.json, add your entry. You'll need to add the following:
    • title: the title of your website
    • url: the URL of your website
    • feeds: an array of your RSS feeds. You can leave this out if your website doesn't have one. But if you do, these are what you need for each entry:
      • name: the name for this RSS feed.
      • url: the url for this RSS feed.
    This is an example of an entry in members.json:

    "title": "Francis Rubio",
    "url": "",
    "feeds": [
    { "name": "Everything", "url": "" },
    { "name": "Posts", "url": "" },
    { "name": "Literature", "url": "" },
    { "name": "Videos", "url": "" }


Fill out the following form so the admins can add you.

Join Pinoy Bloggers

This is to notify you once your site has been added to the webring. No spams, I promise!

RSS Feeds (optional)

Add the banner to your website

Once you're in the members list, add this widget anywhere in your site, preferrably somewhere that will be easily seen.

<p>Member of the <a href="">Pinoy Websites</a> webring</p>
<a href="">Previous</a>
<a href="">Random</a>
<a href="">Next</a>
<script async src=""></script>

It will render this banner that links to the other members:

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

Color Schemes (a.k.a Dark and Light Modes)

The widget supports different color themes and both light and dark color schemes for each theme.

Add a scheme attribute to the <webring-banner/> element that is either light or dark to force a color scheme for the widget. If this attribute is not set, the widget will follow the system color scheme.

<p>This banner will follow the system color scheme.</p>

<p>This banner will always be light mode.</p>
<webring-banner scheme="light"></webring-banner>

<p>This banner will always be dark mode.</p>
<webring-banner scheme="dark"></webring-banner>

This banner will follow the system color scheme.

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

This banner will always be light mode.

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

This banner will always be dark mode.

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next


The <webring-banner/> also supports multiple themes. Every theme has a light and dark mode. To use a theme, add a theme attribute to the <webring-banner> element and set it to one of the following values.

<webring-banner theme="serif"></webring-banner>
<webring-banner theme="tron"></webring-banner>
<webring-banner theme="coder"></webring-banner>
<webring-banner theme="bading"></webring-banner>
<webring-banner theme="trans"></webring-banner>
<webring-banner theme="plantlike"></webring-banner>
<webring-banner theme="borderline"></webring-banner>


Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

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Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next


Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next


Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next


Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next


Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next


Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next


Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

Member of the Pinoy Websites webring

Previous Random Next

Create your own webring!

If you want to start your own webring, fork this project on Github and follow the instructions in the README.

Fork on Github